
Come Home to the Body

This simple act of being anchored in your physical, emotional and energetic body, is the first step to having a healthy relationship with yourself as a woman.  As a busy mother, this is a daunting task.  But it is doable.  Mother Element is all about being compassionately curious as we navigate embodying radical care for our self.  How can you today listen to the deep wisdom of your body's loudest request? 

Our children mirror our ability, or inability, to engage in healthy self-relationship. Which role model do you aspire to in Motherhood?

As the foundation of Mother Element, Embodyment is the primary awareness necessary for discovering what is asking to be transformed and ready for your tender attention. 

Alison works with Mothers and their children, with an open invitation to be present to body sensation and emotional expression as a clue on the path of resolving pervasive or acute trauma or unmet childhood needs. Somatic Experiencing® is a beautiful framework developed by Peter Levine PhD., to work with the nervous system that is stuck in a survival response to a past threat.  Unwinding these patterns can restore nervous system ease and open access to a deeper intimacy with the body and start the path to mastering the art of relationship, that balances giving with receiving. Here we are laying the ground work to creating healthy relationships with our children.

"Trauma is not what happens to us.  But what we hold inside in the absence of an empathic witness".  - Peter Levine

Mother Element places, first and foremost for Mothers, the call to care for our child-self that most often gets reminded of our unmet needs that remain unresolved when we begin the parenting journey. Practicing healthy emotional expression is critical in modeling feeling fluency and emotional wellbeing for our children.

Come Home to Nature

Resting into our place with Mother Nature is attuning to the most primal core of our being. Our capacity for embodyment, along with our ability to attune to our child's needs and nourishments, exponentially expands when we are in connection with nature.  This looks different for every family.  Living in the wilderness in not necessary in order align with nature.  Nature is everywhere.  By shifting our awareness of ourselves as nature, and gently bringing our attention and curiosity to this relationship as primary nourishment, we can attune to balance, belonging and biology as foremost. Then our life-style and well-being shift to align with Nature’s Principles. We can even re-story old conditioned survival patterns and the burden of ancestral trauma, when we expand our identity as Nature. 

Coming Up this May!

A Day in Nature to Reset & Deepen

The Vision Walk is a ceremony dedicated to bringing the sacred to this moment of your life. Where ever you are in the many seasons of human existence, whatever your physical aches, your spiritual quests, your heavy heart and your many questions... all are welcome on this journey home to yourself as Nature in the dimensions of your expressions of wholeness.  This day starts and ends in community, with an overview of the teachings of the medicine wheel as a framework for your journey into wholeness and later a space in the circle to share your story, receive reflections from your guides and have your gifts mirrored.  The bulk of the day is spent in solitude, with you following your body wisdom to deepen your connection to place and soul, maybe discovering as John Muir did over a century ago that "when we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe." We hope you'll join us on this special event in finding your place in the web of life.

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