2023 Upcoming Events

Monthly Women's Circle of Sandpoint

Welcome to this sacred space, where together we create community to drop into the body, tend to nervous system repair & balancing , feel the energy of emotions moving through and express our unfolding truth. Join us for an experience that honors embodiment and feminine flow while unraveling into the present moment. All are welcome to participate, share during our talking circles, or simply stay in stillness and be nourished in this healing space.ย Here we support women of all ages to discover and embodying their true essence.

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Rites of Passage

in Middle Childhood

If you are parenting a 6-11 year old, this 2 hour intro workshop is for you! Join this introduction to rites of passage for parents who want to prepare for the big family change as the child exits what Steiner calls "Body Being", and emerges with a deep capacity to feel emotions.  As a Mother of a 15 and 10 year old, a Rites of Passage Guide and a Trauma-informed Somatic Practitioner, I have spent my years raising children with a passion for conscious transitions that honor growth and deepen connection between child and parents. If you have been struggling with recent developmental changes that spark new needs, behaviors and rocky relational dynamics in your child, join our evening this May and take away a new understanding of human development, parental triggers and a few first steps in self-care and parenting strategies to deepen your connection with your child.

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Coming Up this June!

Nature Time to Reset & Deepen

The Vision Walk is a ceremony dedicated to invite the sacred to this moment of your life. Where ever you are in the many seasons of human existence, whatever transition you find yourself in, your physical aches, your spiritual quests, your heavy heart and your many questions... all are welcome on this journey home to yourself as Whole.  Feel the support of the village, after an hour in community to prepare together. Then enjoy the freedom of a day solitude, with your personal intention carried lightly to the land and elements... maybe discovering as John Muir did over a century ago that "when we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe." We hope you'll join us on this special event to honor your perfect place in the web of life.

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